Each detector individually monitors itself, showing its status on the display in real time. Great reliability and a precision of +-1ppm (CO) and +-0,5ppm (NO2). Offers automatic gain and zero calibration using software algorithms, which even allows verifying CO sensor sensitivity without the need to apply gas.

DURPARK CO and NO2 detectors communicate using a proprietary protocol through three wires with the DURPARK control panel, allowing them to be addressed (1-16).

DURPARK CO and NO2 detectors communicate using a proprietary protocol through three wires with the DURPARK control panel, allowing them to be addressed (1-16).

Global Security

е лиценцирана компанија за техничко обезбедување која е  основана во 2002 година, а од тогаш до денес постојано расте и се развива.  Денес  успешно работи и високо котира на пазарот на безбедносни системи. 

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